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The Soundtrackcollector database contains:
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A search for 'John Wayne At Fox: The Westerns' gave the following results:

2 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
244 matches in composers
  1. Wayne Kramer
  2. Wayne Jones
  3. Wayne Parham
  4. Wayne Bell
  5. Wayne Goodwin
  6. Jeff Wayne
  7. G. Wayne Thomas
  8. Wayne Burt
  9. Wayne Sharpe
  10. Wayne Coster
  11. Steven Wayne Thomas
  12. John 5
  13. John Van Eps
  14. John Nau
  15. John Rox
  16. John Rea
  17. John Rowley
  18. John Williams (I)
  19. John Manchester
  20. John Bath
Show all 244 matching composers
17766 matches in tracks
  1. John Wayne introduction (00:15)
    from Rio Bravo
    John Wayne
  2. John Wayne (02:17)
    from Monuments Men, The
  3. John Wayne (02:17)
    from Monuments Men, The
  4. John Wayne (02:39)
    from One On One
  5. Fuck John Wayne (03:03)
    from Perez Family, The
  6. Fuck John Wayne (03:03)
    from Clean Slate
  7. Introduction John Wayne (00:13)
    from Rio Bravo
  8. John Wayne March (02:11)
    from Circus World
  9. John Wayne March (02:11)
    from Circus World
  10. John Wayne Has Left The Building (01:48)
    from Joanna
  11. Texas Funeral (00:00)
    from From Dusk Till Dawn
    John Wayne
  12. John Wayne Is Big Leggy (03:22)
    from Dorfpunks
    Haysi Fantayzee
  13. Texas Is a Woman (01:11)
    from Shootist, The
    narration by John Wayne
  14. Texas Is a Woman (01:11)
    from Sons Of Katie Elder, The
    narration by John Wayne
  15. Texas Is A Woman (01:10)
    from Sons Of Katie Elder, The
    (recited by John Wayne)
  16. Texas Is A Woman (01:10)
    from Sons Of Katie Elder, The
    Recited by John Wayne
  17. Island In the Sky (00:00)
    from Island In The Sky
    With John Wayne narration (Beginning)
  18. Island In the Sky (00:00)
    from Song Of Bernadette, The
    With John Wayne narration (Beginning)
  19. Island in the Sky (00:00)
    from Island In The Sky
    With John Wayne narration (Conclusion)
  20. Island in the Sky (00:00)
    from Song Of Bernadette, The
    With John Wayne narration (Conclusion)
Show all 17766 matching tracks